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NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

HOw do I add a Chatbot?

I have a simple chatbot made but I don’t know how to add it to the site. Can you please help me?


  [ # 1 ]

Hello, Neo, and welcome to smile

It seems that there may be a misunderstanding here. At, we talk about chatbots, and we maintain a list of available chatbots that are either downloadable, stand alone programs, or are hosted elsewhere on the web. But we don’t host chatbots here, I’m afraid. If your chatbot is already hosted elsewhere, or if it’s a downloadable app or program, there’s a page ~here~ where you can submit your chatbot for listing. The process takes a while, because your chatbot has to be tested, classified and reviewed before it’s listed, but that’s where the process begins. But, again, just to be clear, we don’t host chatbots here. Sorry. downer


  [ # 2 ]


I’m guessing Neo’s chatbot is made in the Scratch programming language.


See my new Meta Guide webpage, “Best MIT Scratch Videos”.


And, “100 Best Scratch Chatbots”, above.

= = =

It seems these Scratch chatbots at MIT use a Flash interface, and might be possible to cut and past that Flash interface into other webpages, but could require some additional fiddling….


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