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AIML v2 - calculate tag?

While attempting to get Uberbot ready for Loebner 2013 (it came 5th :( ) I unsuccessfully tried to use existing AIML math files to make Uberbot able to add numbers. It seems to me the existing AIML files either do a recursive srai call each time they add 1, or they create some strange new temporary categories which I could not follow.

I did consider coding a new math module in AIML but this seems pointless, especially considering the average PC can add 64 bit numbers in about one nano second! Can I suggest we add a <calculate> ... </calculate> tag to AIML v2? I already added this to the Uberbot and it’s quite easy to do. It would also save the bot masters time.


  [ # 1 ]

For various business reasons, we stopped adding new features to AIML 2.0.

There is however an AIML 2.1 underway, which resurrects the <javascript> tag, which can be used to evaluate math expressions.


  [ # 2 ]

But my AIML interpreter is based on SQL Server which can’t run script languages!


  [ # 3 ]

If you’d like to write up a spec for the <calculate> tag, I will consider adding it to AIML 2.1.


  [ # 4 ]

I will give it some thought and write up a spec when I have a moment…


  [ # 5 ]

Thanks for the idea Will Rayer! I will add a <calc> tag to my Xaiml. Would you like to be listed as a contributor for your awesome idea?


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