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Naming a new bot

I vaguely remember how to do this before all the latest changes, but now I’m not so sure. As per your documentation, I want to make my own chatbot, Inga for my robot. I’ve gone into RAWDATA, created a new folder INGA, copied everything from HARRY folder into the new INGA folder, then went into each doc and changed each harry to inga. I also created a filesInga.txt in the top directory, and copied the contents of filesHarry.txt into it, again changing instances of harry to inga.

So as far as memory serves, I should have hit everything. Except one thing. The thing. I can’t seem to find it in the docs, either. When I run ./LinuxChatScript32 local, where is the files, line of code, etc that tells my system to use Inga’s files, not Harry’s?

regards, Richard


  [ # 1 ]

In the CS client, type this:

:build Inga

and see if that works.


  [ # 2 ]

I should have thought of that. Thanks Dave, and good to see you back.

regards, Richard


  [ # 3 ]

Thanks, Richard. You too. smile


  [ # 4 ]

Okay, not begging for help, but I wouldn’t turn it away. For the record, when I’m working through problems like this I usually post every little thing I do then summarize at the end, figuring I may be helping somebody new running into the same problems. I rarely get to the summary bit though as Bruce usually swoops in to save the day.

I tried Dave’s suggestion, ran the script, entered my name, then at the prompt :build Inga

I got an error, apparently the script had a problem with Georgia being in there ( for macro 3. No problem, I deleted the offending paragraph, knowing I wouldn’t ever use Georgia. did another build, this time the script doesn’t like the definition of inga on line 2, says inga was already defined. I commented out line 2 and that made everything go screwy, as I expected it would.

I closed the console, restarted and this time nothing about georgia, only that inga is already defined.

here’s the contents of bugs.txt:

in at 11: outputmacro: georgia() # you can request georgia by giving name:georgia   as your login
MACRO-3 macro ^georgia already definedMissing topic index for ~introductions
Missing topic index for ~introductions
  in at 11: outputmacro: georgia() # you can request georgia by giving name:georgia   as your login
MACRO-3 macro ^georgia already definedMissing topic index for ~introductions
  in at 2: outputmacro: inga()  # you get inga by default
MACRO-3 macro ^inga already definedMissing topic index for ~introductions
FILE-1 Unknown top-level declaration $token in RAWDATA/INGA/   in at 2: outputmacro: inga()  # you get inga by default
MACRO-3 macro ^inga already defined

Going back in to look at it now.

regards, Richard


  [ # 5 ]

Not quite sure how, but I’ve really jacked it up. Without trying to do anything with Inga, just running Harry in the standard fashion, I get ... nothing. Nothing’s loading. Well, it is, but not all of it. Here’s the screen:

ChatScript Version 3.71 32 bit LINUX ENGLISH
  Dictionary building disabled. 
Build0: words=66804 facts=126413 dtext=1141580 stext=0 Sun Oct 6 22:38:38 2013
Build1: words=0 facts=645 dtext=0 stext=0
Params hash:65536 dict:349525 fact:800000 text:30000kb buffer:15x80kb cache:1x50kb userfacts:100
Used 47MB: dict 268,497 (24701kb) fact 227,119 (9084kb) text 12074kb buffer (1200kb) cache (50kb) POS: 539 (17kb)
Free 40MB: dict 81,028 fact 572,881 text 17,925KB

Enter user name: Richard



Help me Mr Wizard!!!!! I think I’d rather do a full reinstall than dig through line by line to figure out where I went wrong.

harrumph, Richard (are you all still glad I’m back??? wink )


  [ # 6 ]

Yes, I’m still glad you’re back. raspberry

Sadly, my experience with this is only minimal, and it looks as if you’ve already tried what I would suggest in this case, so I think that it may be prudent to do a side-by-side comparison of the files you’ve altered with the original files, with an eye toward possible typos and such. If that all checks out, the next step is to see what Bruce has to say.

Fraid that’s it for my suggestions. downer


  [ # 7 ]

Thanks for the help! Even an attempt is appreciated Dave.

regards, Richard


  [ # 8 ]

OK. I’m back. Let’s return to basics.  FIRST, prove you can build HARRY and that he runs.  THEN copy the filesHarry.txt to filesInga.txt and prove that builds HARRY.  Then put your Inga folder in Rawdata and modify filesInga.txt to refer to your stuff and see if it builds that.  Likely it won’t succeed because you have some bug in your control script file. But let’s first prove it can get that far. You can, on a side thread (email) email me your control script file so I can find out what is wrong with it.


  [ # 9 ]

It’s in your inbox. Thanks for taking the time.

regards, Richard


  [ # 10 ]

General note: I prefer email attachments sent to gowilcox gmail account. Using the meant it was not files but I had to copy it out, and couldn’t just do a reply.


  [ # 11 ]

Got it, resent.


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