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How to change the prompt from HARRY to something else

So it was pretty simple to edit the file that created an alternate response (My name is Misnomer) but I can’t figure out how to change the “HARRY” prompt to the same name.  Any ideas?


  [ # 1 ]

in simplecontrol change:
$botprompt = ^“HARRY: “
$botprompt = ^“Misnomer: “

then issue :build harry
and THEN do :restart because while the files have been updated, you are still running the control script of the old bot. Equivalently you can quit and relaunch chatscript.


  [ # 2 ]

Actually, doing :restart won’t help if you log in as the SAME user name, because the data file for your user will have old values.  The “correct” thing to do is
:build harry
:reset user

which clears out the current users data and begins anew.


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