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What is the future of ChatScript?

Bruce… I am curious what is the future of ChatScript.  What features are being worked on now and what is the long term vision for ChatScript?  In particular, what are the most promising NLP techniques that might be integrated…. like word vectors, etc.


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Good question. Don’t have a great answer necessarily.  Currently work on CS is background (I have a day job and CS consulting work). One underlying long term goal is that CS be the dominant platform for NLP toolkits; that it becomes more useful and more widely used than the Perl NLP Toolkit or the Stanford tools (parser postagger,etc). That requires brining the english pos/parser of CS to be more accurate than the gold standards of statistical parsing and tagging. CS is already faster than Stanford and can fit on a cell phone.  But fitting on a cell phone is part of the ongoing requirements for CS.

I’m not current in the deep learning space, and don’t see it as getting voice-activated UI working as fast as just scripting it. I do see CS providing more support for speech recognition.


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