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multiple sentence handling

I have these responders in my bot

u: ( feathers ) I heard feathers
u: ( onions ) I heard onions

I enter
Hi. You must be the new supervisor. Welcome to the project. I’m really glad to meet you.
  >I love feathers. I also love onions.
I heard feathers

Is there any way to get to process more than one sentence?

I would have expected it to respond to both.

obviously it never processed the second sentence, since I can now do

  >i love onions.
I heard onions

I take it I’m supposed to be altering this:

t: (^query(direct_v ? chatoutput ? -1 ? @9 ))  # get the sentences (why is the object)—no longer has quotes around it
$$tmp = ^last(@9subject) # note last output which is quoted string
##<< shut the tts up
if (!%server AND %os == windows AND !$SHUTUP)
$$tmp = ^"talk \"$$tmp\" "
popen($$tmp null)

but am unsure how.


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