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Using ChatScript in other languages.

On the forum, in one of the threads, I read that someone had implemented ChatScript in Spanish.

Is that implementation language specific?  Actually, I want to identify the things that needs to be done to use ChatScript in some other language.

Can a generic framework be designed to use ChatScript in any language?


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Have already gone through this thread, but that discussion wasn’t covering details on how to extend current English implementation for other languages (so, opened a separate thread). I mean, I want to list down all the action points that need be done to port ChatScript to some other language. And once the action points are identified, probably think of creating a generic framework (pluggable?) for different languages. Not sure whether I’m making sense here.


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If you want the full power of CS in english
1. a dictionary which has all the base words and their properties and an ontology hierarchy for them in the dictionary
2. code for taking an inflected form and deciding upon a root form and performing pos-tagging decisions
3. code for parsing the language
4. concepts defined in that language


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