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How long topic is active?

Let’s consider this example:

pattern>_ MOVIES *</pattern>
Coollet us talk about movies. <think><set name="topic">movies</set></think>

topic name="movies">
pattern>{other pattern}</pattern>
{ some text }

Wouldn’t this go forever as * is there to match any pattern and topic movies was set? Is there a way to interrupt this, something like return directive in functions? If * isn’t present and there’s no matching pattern in that topic, it will look for categories outside of it, right?




  [ # 1 ]

I see now that I forgot to add categories in topics… Nevermind, question is the same.


  [ # 2 ]

With AIML, it’s important to have a “breakout” category that removes the topic in order to change the topic if the user’s input doesn’t match anything within the topic being discussed. Usually, they look like this:

<topic name="cooking">
think><set name="topic"></set></think>
response content here -->

Now bear in mind that this isn’t the only way to get out of a given topic, just the most common way. The use of topics in AIML can be a powerful and useful way to direct the flow of a conversation, but it can be tricky to implement properly. However, I think that it’s worth the effort. smile


  [ # 3 ]

Did topics behave that way in Alicebot Program D? I seem to remember that they weren’t as “binding” (I was used to the AIML implementation used by RunABot where a user is trapped in a topic unless the topic is explicitly set to something else via a tag in a reply somewhere).


  [ # 4 ]

I’m not really sure, Noah. I never used Program D, to be honest. I’ve used Program E and O (of course), and both of those were that way from the start.I think that Pandorabots is also like that, if memory serves (though Steve would be the one to ask there).


  [ # 5 ]

Yes, that is correct. If you want to get out of a topic, you need to set it to something else (or blank it out as in Dave’s example)


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