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JSON data with leading $ character causes error

I’m trying to access a web service using ^jsonopen. As part of the service, I need to send a key hash, which begins with a $ character.

Chatscript converts the key hash to lowercase. After some testing, I’ve found that any string with a leading $ character will be converted to lowercase. Is there any way I can make this a raw or literal string? I’ve tried escaping the $ character with a backslash, but end up with two leading \ characters being sent.

The relevant code in Chatscript is:

$_var = ^jsoncreate(transient object)
$ testName
._sessionId "testSessionId"
$_var._key "$2y$10$c1L/A4aoPxG8ZdG8xyz" 

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Should not be a problem with next CS release, due shortly.


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