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Where are the query results saved?

outputmacro: ^myfunc(^db)
^dbexecute(^“select MAX((qa_num)+1) from bot_qa;” ‘^myfunc)

Where are the results of the query stored in the source code?


  [ # 1 ]

they arent stored in source code. They are pulled from the db and each line is sent to your function and then discarded. YOU can save them yourself from your function.


  [ # 2 ]
Bruce Wilcox - Jan 26, 2018:

they arent stored in source code. They are pulled from the db and each line is sent to your function and then discarded. YOU can save them yourself from your function.

Thank you again.

There are many things I don’t know because I’m too beginning.

Please, can you tell us more about the example to save select query values in the function?



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