Toborman - Aug 13, 2011:
AndyHo - Aug 12, 2011:
Yes I am working on mostly all of this, but it’s very difficult,
I found only some poor material or none at all (but found lots of written unusable nonsenses!) 
I’m happy to hear that someone else is working on these.
I also have found many of these areas ambiguously defined, which is why I’m attempting to create better definitions in the Human Mind Map to help me eliminate the ambiguity.
Thanks for your explanations of each area. I’ll be sharing my experiences in each area in subsequent posts.
Thanks again, and good fortune on your project.
I’ll need good fortune (and a small fortune) to en up with something working as I want to!

Today’s Advance: My system can conjugate (flexion) Spanish verbs in all the 99 ways you can express a verb, like “love” (amar) even in compound ways, also the flexioner is attendant to special issued grabbed from the semantics, if you give him the verb, and a set of attributes, many of them you grabbed from semantic ontology from other ‘part of speech’ chunks. then you feed them to the engine, and voilá, you get the verb perfectly inflected, even deducting the tense, case and modal features, filling in lacking parameters and correcting coherence-mistakes (not all of them but is a start..) for example this is used at my ‘common sense section’ where you can tell the system thing like:
“mañana comer el gato tal vez” (tomorrow eat the cat may be)
This sentence has a bad grammar constuction (both Spanish and English) and in Spanish it is even worse, you have the verb in inifinitive which is a timeless, caseless, modeless inflection
So at the verb you don’t have a clue to figure out and must use semantics grabbed from the other parts, so the output is (trying to infer and seeing that the verb is transitive and there is a lack of a direct object:
¿que comería el gato mañana? (What would the cat eat tomorrow?)
You see here that the verb is correctly inflected in future (because of tomorrow) + subjunctive (because the doubt ‘may be’) and the sentence is well constructed grammatically (due to a well-formed template)
This is the kinda things I am solving (slowly and a step at a time)
regards, and thanks for the wish!
PD: I am also modeling emotions, using Plutchik’s theories, they were very useful and I built a framework to include a “emotional human soul” which can be assessed with several kind of situations and the resulting state is similar to the emotion a human may show in similar situations, it has been very funny to make this!!
I enjoyed it because as I tested the beast, the beast got angry, then frightned, then happy, then inloved, and as the output was modeled using my Linguistic Fuzzy Set the outcome in words under certain situations, were really awesome, funny and sometimes astonishing! some of them were
- I feel unhappy / I feel angry / I feel a little confused, etc.
There is a whole math behind, and the stimulus is also complicated, for example you must take something from him, so he feels the loss and becomes sad, or give him something valuable, so he becomes happy! it may be a good shrink-game for an Eliza bot.. haha!