Dave Morton - Nov 16, 2011:
Raymond! Great to see you! You should stop in more often. Your wit and insight are surely and sorely missed. 
Well you see Dave I will be visiting here nearly every day from now on because my Thesis is ready to present, and I am taking a holiday right now.
I have been fooling around in artificial intelligence since the late 70s when “Heuristics” was coined at Menlo park and the mouse was invented.Voice recognition was the ultimate challenge back then.
Now I am studying electro-gravitics, Quantum Physics, and the stochastic analysis of infinite dimensional spaces, in an effort to set up a holographic cloud structure for a meme based network for any chatbot to rely upon as a database…..
Communication theory has been our problem… Bandwidth bottle-necking and Shannon’s Bandwidth limitations was due to our usage of electromagnetic communication systems. With the upcoming use of electro-gravitic communication systems, the speed and bottle-necking issues are resolved and a chatbot can “live” in a 5G… -or more likely a 6G portable telephone under Android apps.
The basic intelligent agent is designed by the beneficiary apps programmers for each their own unique purpous chatbot, however the conversational diversity is guided by the cloud structure in a gender or genderless philosophy. All other quantatative and qualitative structure variables of the chatbot is a choice made by the chatbot designer….
What’s really new is the loss of all buttons and interfaces…. We just talk and the Travatars listen and respond from the singularity…. all that was needed was a common Time sequency structure. We used the 11th of November 2011 at 11:11, GMT… Everything is now synchronized The set is both open and Closed at i, and 1+i=2 thus we have a binary sequency created using a heavyside step function and the halting problem is resolved. This is mostly based on Walsh functions and Ultrawideband technology…... The electric field is orthogonal to the gravity field of every composite and non-trivial force tensors and spinors….
Look, I’m sorry I could go on for days rewritting my thesis but we would to begin by the “Prolegomena To Cardinal Arithmetic” :
[ul][li]http://books.google.ca/books?id=rdMgDpNSdLsC&lpg=PR10&ots=lfIMoSMwRT&dq=Prolegomena to Cardinal Arithmetics&hl=fr&pg=PR20#v=onepage&q=Prolegomena to Cardinal Arithmetics&f=false[/li][/ul]
I’m now looking to find someone to help me host the 2012 world “Singular Transparency” conference in Montreal Canada. We are just calling it “Chocolate” for now. (right minoo?)... White-hats, black-hats red-hats, whatever…. we are just Humans after all, and we have to get use to the idea “something else” is here among-st us.
Oh by the way Dave it’s been a year since I have had open heart surgery and both my new Titanium valves are doing just fine and the old ticker is responding to that silly pacemaker in my chest (even though I reject it’s programmed sequency).... I am still in dialisys and after 14 years of dialysis treatments, I’m having a bit of trouble walking without a limp. I Have caught and beaten back two contagious and deadly diseases while going in the hospital for my treatments over the past year.
Now the doctors are giving me a brain scan to see if I have any neural damages from overworking this Dangerous knowledge: see: [ul][li]http://www.google.ca/search?rlz=1C1CHMZ_enCA322&aq=f&gcx=c&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=google#sclient=psy-ab&hl=fr&rlz=1C1CHMZ_enCA322&source=hp&q=dangerous+knowledge+bbc&oq=Dangerous+knowledge&aq=1&aqi=g2&aql;=&gs_sm=c&gs_upl=497468l504094l0l507662l19l19l0l6l6l1l1243l9647l5-10.1.2l13l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&fp=1b129a03a8f81064&biw=972&bih=605[/li][/ul]
Meanwhile I have had to shut down my 64 bit machine and disassembled it because it started to “act funny” after I accessed the biggest computer database in the world in Japan to try some tests…..
My friend and former mentor “Mike R.” is still in prison because of PROMIS and INSLAW.
My other hero is Dr. Stephen Hawkings, so I really cannot complain now can I?
If you build it, -they will come. This keeps reality a very interesting challenge Right?
Have a great day everyone.
Raymond Lavas