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Two *‘s in one pattern?

Okay so i was just wondering if say for a callmom url command if i could use two stars in one category? like

pattern>I WANT IN *</pattern>

Would this work or would I need to add or remove something or if something like this is possible?


  [ # 1 ]

Yes, that should work.  Try it and let us know if you have any problems.

The term you want is <star> not <star>.

You may want the second expression to be find_desc=<star index=“2”>


  [ # 2 ]

Im not sure if its working or not because it seems that yelp is redirecting me to my location… if this is the case then i shouldnt worry but i do have some test running with some friends.

Thanks smile


  [ # 3 ]

I just noticed that you’re using a hash character (#) to separate find_desc and find_loc. Most likely, you should be using an ampersand, (&) instead. The hash character is used to tell the web browser to ‘move’ the view-port to a specific portion of the page, while the ampersand tells the server that what follows is a variable. Hope this helps. smile


  [ # 4 ]

Yea i realized that… it was how it was on the webpage, it works fairly well for me so far… i even found a way to sort it by reviews, im exited… my app and my bot (though on doesnt really work without the other does it?) are shaping up fairly nice from when i began… Im just happy that theres so many people out there to help smile


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