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Permanence of variables

I hope this isn’t an utterly stupid question, but still finding my way around ChatScript. I’m running version 4.7 on a 64-bit Windows box.

I have a topic in which the user is asked if they are male or female, with the response assigned to a variable called $gender.

However, when referenced in another topic, I’m getting what appears to be the answer to a question about age.

Where am I going wrong?

Any help would be much appreciated,



  [ # 1 ]

insufficient information. I’d need to see the rules involved and the sample input and failed output messages probably. More completely, get to the point of failure, then after it is wrong, type
:trace all
and then send me that log file and tell me what you were expecting.


  [ # 2 ]

The :trace showed me the inherent flaw in my logic! All sorted now.

Thanks for your help.


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