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Substitution system did not work when language != english

Hi everyone,

I use the following method to launch the chatscript locally:

chmod +./ChatScript/BINARIES/ChatScript
cd ChatScript 
&& BINARIES/ChatScript \
=../USERS \
=../LOGS \
=user \

Before launch:

I just copied the ENGLISH folder in LIVEDATA folder and renamed it to CHINESE. Similarly, the ENGLISH folder in DICT folder was also copied and renamed as CHINESE.

My problem is:

Now the substitution and canonical does not work. For example, whom, their, are will not be converted to who, they, be.

Anyone knows why? And how to fix it.



  [ # 1 ]

I believe chatscript looks in the English folder and you cannot rename it.  Try putting replacing the contents of the english folder with chinese dictionary entries.  Do not move the folder.  And see if it works.


  [ # 2 ]

Alaric Schenck, it works by replacing the contents of the english folder with chinese dictionary entries. Thanks.


  [ # 3 ]

When the language= parameter names a different language than english, the system is supposed to go to LIVEDATA/language and read substitutes from there. Works for me using GERMAN, which comes prebuit with a test case like
guten morgan.


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