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Chatbot community vs affiliate programs
Are you intersted in affiliate programs that promote commercial chatbot products?
Yes. 2
No. 1
Total Votes: 3
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We recently published an affiliate program for our chatbot platform Acobot ( I personally haven’t seen a chatbot developer use affiliate marketing to promote their products so I wonder if that’s the first one in the trade.

Yes or not, that’s not important indeed. Here I’d like to check with the community members whether you’re interested in promoting any commercial products (Acobot or other brands) if you run a blog or website? I understand most of the members here work with chat bot for fun, rather than for money. Still I’d like to find out whether an affiliate program could fit into your amateur AI projects, and give you a bit more funs.

Thank you for your votes in advance. Any additional, explanations, comments or suggestions or be appreciated too!


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