Posted: Sep 16, 2013 |
[ # 31 ]

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There’s this one from China too:
According to Google, the first part translates as:
The annual Le Buna Artificial Intelligence Award (Loebner prize) award to deceive mankind chatting with a computer program…
Deceiving mankind was not my intention! 
Posted: Sep 16, 2013 |
[ # 32 ]

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Rzeczpospolia (Polish): http://www.rp.pl/artykul/320825,1048677-Pogadac-z-maszyna.html
Translate: “The Mitsuku can hold a conversation so well that it can be mistaken for a man”
Great work Steve, the female personality can be mistaken for a man! 
Posted: Sep 16, 2013 |
[ # 33 ]

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Being considered a threat to mankind is the ultimate achievement of AI. Congratulations!
I think Google Translate’s AI can use some help, so let’s see if I remember my German classes without paraphrasing too much: The annually awarded Loebner-Prize found a new winner in Mitsuku. The contest, in which humans test the imitation skills of chatbots, is endowed with 4.000 US dollar. As the Turing Test, where a human must be convinced by a computer program that he is speaking with another human, is yet too challenging for the programs, for years only the contest’s bronze medal is awarded. At which merely the “most human-like” program is drafted. The quality of the entrants have at least strongly improved according to Hugh Loebner. Were the programs “abysmal” in the past, nowadays they would at least “display some sort of intelligence”.
Mitsuku was convincing in, among other things, the answer to a question of a judge in which the chatbot was to choose between Picard and Kirk of Star Trek. Although it answered with its view on life from outer space and that the female voice from Star Trek was its favourite character, the answer did at least have to do with the question. Steve Worswick, the developer of Mitsuku, intends to further improve the chatbot.
My Chinese however is worse than my Japanese, can’t help you there.
Posted: Sep 16, 2013 |
[ # 34 ]

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Ah thanks Dan. Although the deceiving mankind part was starting to grow on me!
Armenia now: http://nyut.am/archives/47839?lang=en
Posted: Sep 16, 2013 |
[ # 35 ]

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Although it answered with its view on life from outer space
This is what I mean by the user expecting too much from chatbots. I assume this was related to the “is there alien life” question from the Head Squeeze show. Mitsuku is just a bit of code. She has no inside knowledge on the actual workings of the universe.
Posted: Sep 17, 2013 |
[ # 36 ]

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Ah! It was only a matter of time. Here come the wackos:
Mitsuku chatbot denies the Holocaust
Posted: Sep 17, 2013 |
[ # 37 ]

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OF course, if you ask her the following:
Do you doubt your existence?
Do you doubt there is a tooth fairy?
Do you doubt the general theory of relativity?
Do you doubt your sanity?
you get the same answer.
Wackos, indeed. 
Posted: Sep 17, 2013 |
[ # 38 ]

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Just people being funny.
Steve Worswick - Sep 16, 2013: Although it answered with its view on life from outer space
This is what I mean by the user expecting too much from chatbots. I assume this was related to the “is there alien life” question from the Head Squeeze show. Mitsuku is just a bit of code. She has no inside knowledge on the actual workings of the universe.
The German article is unfortunately misquoting, mistaking the HeadSqueeze interviewer for a judge, and ascribing an earlier answer to a later question. But yes, hm, well, I’m not sure I could call it expectations as such. They’re the kind of brainless questions you just give a shot in the hope of gaining new insights. Mitsuku is different from humans after all, so one would expect her to have a different outlook on things. A humourous answer would probably meet the demand equally well. And, when you give it a face, no-one is going to think of it as just a piece of code. 
I’m afraid I must confirm the plural use of “mankind/humanity” in the Chinese article. The Chinese character for “human” is followed by the character for “category/class/kind”.
Posted: Sep 17, 2013 |
[ # 39 ]

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Another press article.
You guys don’t mind me sharing these do you?
Posted: Sep 17, 2013 |
[ # 40 ]

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Tootin’ your own horn? Nah, do share. It saves me the trouble of looking them up. There might be mention of the other contestants and I’ve always found it interesting to see what kind of attention the winner gets and how the contest is reported on.
Posted: Sep 17, 2013 |
[ # 41 ]

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Steve Worswick - Sep 16, 2013: Although it answered with its view on life from outer space
This is what I mean by the user expecting too much from chatbots. I assume this was related to the “is there alien life” question from the Head Squeeze show. Mitsuku is just a bit of code. She has no inside knowledge on the actual workings of the universe.
Having asked similar questions to chatbots in the past, I should say that I don’t actually expect any insight when I do so, I’m just curious as to how they’ll answer.
Posted: Sep 17, 2013 |
[ # 42 ]

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First, let me say, great work, Steve and all other finalists’ botmasters!
All four finalists are bots that are intelligent enough to be fun to talk to.
Are there any human-readable transcripts anywhere? I didn’t find any so far.
Don Patrick, your translation is quite good, you just left out a few words. (FYI: I’m a German myself.)
Steve Worswick - Sep 17, 2013: Ah! It was only a matter of time. Here come the wackos:
Mitsuku chatbot denies the Holocaust
Apolyton doesn’t allow for guests to post and I didn’t want to sign in for one post only, so I can write this only here:
First, there is an immense difference between doubting and denying.
Second, why didn’t that human ask her why she thought so?
Posted: Sep 17, 2013 |
[ # 43 ]

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Thanks Peter. Of course, you realise that a large part of Mitsuku’s success was due to the many conversations you had with her and so I thank you enormously for helping me to weed out some of the more robotic answers.
Posted: Sep 18, 2013 |
[ # 44 ]

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Ulster University video: http://vimeo.com/74863469
Posted: Sep 20, 2013 |
[ # 45 ]

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Well here’s the weirdest press release I have seen so far: