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How to reset user and rebuild Harry chatbot in my own main.cpp?


I am a beginner of chatscript, and I am trying to embed chatscript in one c++ project under linux ubuntu.

I have question mark about how to “:reset user” and “:build Harry” successfully via c++ api.

Here is what I’ve tried, but only get “Segmentation fault (core dumped)” each trial.

#include <common.h> 

int main()
 char str_test_out[100]


//start session

PerformChat("test1",    //user
"Harry",    //usee
"",                   //incoming
NULL,    //ip
str_test_out);   //output

//want to reset user or rebuild bot

PerformChat("test1",    //user
"Harry",    //usee
":reset user",   //incoming
NULL,            //ip
str_test_out);   //output


Did I miss something important, or I need to go through some necessary docs?
Thanks for your help.

and I disable some modules when building my project:

// These can be used to shed components of the system to save space
//#define DISCARDDICTIONARYBUILD 1 // only a windows version can build a dictionary from scratch

  [ # 1 ]

Well, I’ve found a work around solution:
build the topic_user_harry.txt file from terminal
and copy + replace the one which is for embedding use.

any root fix pls tell me, thanks!


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