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Developing a Logic and SDK for Chatbot.

In order to reduce the work of developing a chat bot, and for the use of .net plateform, i came up with an idea of developing an SDK.

The main problem with the chatbot was how to make a computer understand the human language, and finally came to a conclusion it too difficult, but it can be done to an extend if a computer can distinguish type of a sentence (the user input)
1. its a command (asking the bot to perform something)
2. a question (asking the bot to search for an answer (not perform))
3. a statement (telling bot to learn something from the input) and
4. a simple response (like say hello, how are you doing)

so this was the main idea for me into making the working logic of the chat bot,

i used a method of pattern recognition for database search.
it can have patterns like
where is * located -> search
* is an actor -> learn -> who is *, * is an actor

then next problem i faced was if a user replies “srk is an actor”, how do i make the bot understand that srk is a human not an object, ie when another user ask “what is srk,” it would be bad to reply “srk is actor”, or worst “who is bus” to “he is an vehicle”.
i came up with a solution to this by finding a keywords that represents humans (like “actor”) from the input

and many problem continued

then when it came to speech recognition i used Microsoft speech. and when i finally got it working i started recognizing garbage sentences as its dictionary was open to all possible works. so the next task was to find answers (knowledge) from database and create appropriate questions possible for that and add only them to the recognition grammar,

so at last i developed abstracted class for Speech.

Thus at last after solving this problems i made an SDK to make my work easy,
it is available here with demo and references, hope it helps some new beginners.

Is this the way i should be going towards making a chatbot? and is the logic i used relevant.

Comments and questions are welcome.


  [ # 1 ]

Welcome to Daxesh. It sounds like you have already made a lot of progress on a very ambitious project. Your website is also very impressive!

Unfortunately I don’t have any knowledge of Windows programming, being strictly Linux myself, but there are many others here who will be able to appreciate and use your work.

I did have a look through the documentation that you presented and it seems to be very thorough. The only improvement that I could suggest would be to have an HTML version of it with lots of links between symbols and descriptions for easier navigation.

I’m really looking forward to discussing this whole fascinating topic further with you. I’ve been publishing a little of my work on my website at in the form of natural language processing resources. It may or may not be of some interest to you.

Once again, welcome to the site!


  [ # 2 ]

That’s indeed a pretty impressive project. I read on your bio that you’re a student? Is this project perhaps school related?


  [ # 3 ]

If someone said, “What is Bruce Willis”, surely the correct answer would be “Bruce Willis is an actor”? I am not sure what you are meaning with that part.


  [ # 4 ]

Andrew Smith, thanx for a brief reply,
Jan Bogaerts, it was my final year grade project,
Steve Worswick, there was a mistake in what i wrote, it goes like “srk is an actor” > so what can be its response “he/she is an actor” or “it is an actor”

For this project i was inspired by sci-fi movies, and i wanted to make an automated home where you can do things by just talking to the chatbot so that lead me to designing the chat bot. So i am also looking forward to connect it with an home automation system, can any one tell me what’s the best home automation system available that can be easily be implemented with .net.


  [ # 5 ]

I did some snooping around for home automation. There’s a lot of info to be found on this site:
Basically, there’s no single wrapper, fits all, kind of solution, but many different systems from different vendors, though there appears to be some effort to get them working together.


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