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NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

s: and ?: versus u:

Maybe I’m missing something, but if u: responds to anything, why or when would you ever use s: or ?:

regards, Richard


  [ # 1 ]

Actually, you are missing a lot smile

#! I like bugs
s: ( I * ~like * bugs)  Ugh. How awful. You should get a better diet.

#! Do I like bugs
?: ( I * ~like * bugs)  I hope not.

#! You are happy
s: ( << ’ you happy >>) How do you know?

#! are you happy
?: ( << ’ you happy >>)  I am.


  [ # 2 ]

I get it. s and ? take the place of voice inflection, yes? Brilliant. It’s pure NLP of one of the most difficult types. Bruce, you’re a genius. Thanks.

regards, Richard


  [ # 3 ]

I myself wouldn’t say it takes the place of voice inflection.  Merely that the user can input a question or a statement, the system can detect it (obviously if the user uses punctuation) but generally even when the user doesn’t punctuate.  Knowing whether the input is a statement or a question is a huge gain in deciding how to react to keywords or meanings.


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