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Artificial Inteligence behind Chatbot

I`M Brazilian

I´m new here.
Can someone help me?
I wouldlike to know if ALICE chaterbot uses neural network in its structure


  [ # 1 ]

Hi William, Alice uses AIML, scripted responses, not a neural network. The only neural network based chatbot that I know is an experiment by Google, though undoubtedly there are more.


  [ # 2 ]

I’M very Thankfull for your help Patrick


  [ # 3 ]

But I would like to know what kind of Artificial intelligence have behind ALICE chatbot


  [ # 4 ]

There really isn’t any “Artificial Intelligence” behind ALICE, or any other AIML chatbot, really. The most you can say about AIML interpreters (the engines that run AIML chatbots, such as ALICE) is that they are moderately complex pattern matchers. Don’t get me wrong, AIML chatbots have the potential to seem quite human (Steve Worswick’s Mitsuku chatbot is a great example here), but the bottom line is the only real “intelligence” involved is in the skill and creativity of the botmaster. Of course, the ability to match patterns in complex ways is a key ability for any AI to have, but it needs more than that to meet the generally accepted criteria.


  [ # 5 ]

Thank you Dave! You clarified my doubt.
Thanks for your help


  [ # 6 ]

@ Dave - Nicely put!

William, Welcome!

I think you might be searching for one of several bots that can learn by retaining previously chatted or fed information.

Some allow the user to “feed” information from a text file or other suitable file. The bot will go through this file and keep certain prescribed types of data. During later conversations it might use or draw upon some of this “learned” material.

Of course, it needs to be able to match the appropriate response for the given input in order to extract and present some of its newly learned data on the fly. The overall effect is quite nice when it works but it is still sort of a step or two higher than the standard pattern matching bots.

Again my question would be, do you want your bot to know everything like Watson or just to be able to carry on a decently smooth, topical conversation? I’d go for the latter but that’s just me.

Good luck in your search!


  [ # 7 ]

Truthfully, Art, I was more than a little concerned that my position might ruffle a few feathers, and almost didn’t post it. But the way I see it, it is what it is (I know, meaningless tautology), and others are entitled to their views, so… smile

While I was outside, enjoying the moderately decent weather this Turkey Day, I got to thinking that one of the drawbacks of most AI systems (AIML specifically and especially) is the inability to detect and process “edge cases” in user inputs. This, IMHO, is another key feature in Artificial Intelligence that needs to be solved at some point in the near future. I know that this is somewhat off topic for this thread, but I thought I would mention it.


  [ # 8 ]


I think (and hope) gone are the days of trying to have one’s bot outsmart a panel of judges by using some clever routine or cute patter but really playing according the a set of simple guidelines and standing on their own merit. If it’s a contest about the ability to chat or maintain a decent topic flow during a 3 - 5 minute conversation as opposed to trying to wow everyone with some “searched for and retrieved knowledge” then so be it. Rules are always posted before contests anyhow.

I would like to see a really decent conversational bot capable of holding its own for a specified time and able to converse “intelligently” with the user.

We have enough Googles, Amazons, Siri and Watsons for now. how about a bot that can actually converse?

Just my take and not meant to discredit any other living bot regardless of gender or political persuasion or whatever.


  [ # 9 ]

I suppose it depends on how often or reliably it has to do it.


  [ # 10 ]

For the most part, that conversation was nicely done! The judge noticed a few instances where the bot attempted to “steer” the conversation toward a more familiar area (which I suppose a lot do).

It would be interesting to see how a normal “relaxed” chat would ensue if one was not a judge or if the bot wasn’t prepared to do battle to win some prize.

Just thinking silently (Like the space scream, in the Internet no one can hear you Typing!)


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