NEWS: Chatbots.org survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
Summary: Discours focuses on language and discourse issues related to computational linguistics and communication.
Discours is an international and interdisciplinary e-journal, which publishes non-thematic issues twice a year, and occasional special issues. The journal focuses on the following topics: discourse structure, cohesion, co-reference, linearization, indexation, information structure, word order, segmentation markers, integration markers, discourse relations, cognitive processes involved in discourse comprehension and production, and other related topics.
It is intended as a forum for exchanging and comparing data, analyses and opinions for all linguists, psycholinguists and computer linguists working in fields involving the description, comprehension, formalization and processing of text organization. One of the specific features of the journal is to make available online materials or programmes developed for research projects presented in the journal, which may be useful for the research community, such as annotated corpora, coding tables and software tools.