NEWS: Chatbots.org survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
Summary: Library Hi Tech focuses upon computing and technology for the library community.
Library Hi Tech focuses upon computing and technology for the library community. It is international in scope and defines technology in the broadest possible terms to include the full range of tools employed by librarians and their customers. The majority of journal issues are themed, thus allowing for extensive in-depth coverage and analysis of key areas.
Coverage of the journal include topics on: integrated library systems, networking, strategic planning, policy implementation across entire institutions, security, automation systems, the role of consortia, resource access initiatives, architecture and technology, electronic publishing, library technology in specific countries, user perspectives on technology, how technology can help disabled library users, and library-related web sites.
The journal keeps users abreast of the latest developments and trends; examines the potential of new and existing technologies; explores the implications of technological changes and how to utilize current and emerging technologies.
Journal audiences include senior library management, practising librarians and information professionals, library and information academic researchers, lecturers and students