NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Gestures Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Gestures - Nonverbal signals in addition to to their textual responses
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent July July est conseillère en forfait mobile pour le site depuis fin 2008. Elle connait tous les opérateurs de téléphonie mobile et les 900 forfaits mobiles proposés sur le bout des doigts. Si vous êtes perdu elle vous oriente en 3 questions, elle est à même de vous proposer les forfaits qui conviennent le mieux à vos besoins.

Clara a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Inbenta

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Clara Clara es el Asistente Virtual de nuestra empresa fundada en 2005 en Barcelona, inbenta, una compañía especializada y líder en Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural y en Búsqueda Semántica.

Desde su creación, inbenta ha dedicado grandes esfuerzos en desarrollar técnicas de lingüística computacional, tecnologías web, soluciones de atención al cliente y estrategias de marketing online. Fue a partir de estas cuatro competencias que su oferta servicios y soluciones evolucionó en el tiempo hasta finalmente alcanzar las expectativas de las grandes cuentas web e intranet de hoy.

Clara a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Inbenta

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Clara Clara est l'assistant virtuel de notre société créée en 2005 à Barcelona, inbenta, une société spécialisée dans l'interaction et la relation client sur internet et leader dans le Traitement du Langage Naturel et la recherche sémantique.

Depuis sa création, inbenta a su s'entourer et développer des compétences en linguistique informatique, technologies web, solutions de service clientèle et stratégies marketing en ligne. C'est à travers ces 4 compétences clefs que notre offre de service et de solution a évolué au fil du temps pour finalement s'adapter et satisfaire aujourd'hui les principales attentes des sites web et intranets de Grands Comptes.

Clara a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Inbenta

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Clara Clara é a assistente virtual da nossa empresa fundada em 2005 em Barcelona, inbenta, uma empresa especializada e líder em Processamento da Linguagem Natural e Busca Semântica.

Desde a sua criação, a inbenta dedicou-se muito ao desenvolvimento de habilidades em linguística computacional, tecnologias de web, soluções de atendimento ao cliente e estratégias online de marketing. Foi por meio dessas quatro competências chave que a sua oferta de serviços e soluções evoluiu ao longo do tempo para finalmente atender às principais expectativas das contas de website e intranet de hoje em dia
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Prosper Prosper travaille pour la GMF depuis 2007. Au cours des ans, il a évolué et ses missions aussi (ainsi que son apparance et ses animations).
En 2013, Prosper a été mis à jour : il gère maintenant 200 demandes de souscription en ligne par mois.
Il aide aussi les prospects à choisir leurs solution d'épargne et de prévoyance.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Yhaken This is Yhaken. He's been around for quite some time now, but that doesn't mean he's out of touch. Say hello. Ask him a question. Challenge him on more conceptual matters.

Hi, welcome to the site, the What is New thread does what it says on the tin.
My name is Yhaken, what can I do for you today ?

Yhaken is a Chatterbot development that engages with users on the basis of natural language in all its vagaries. It manipulates the text, or voice, input in two discreet levels.

Firstly the underlying parsing, processing and validation with respect to requirements of accuracy.

Secondly an overarching management of information by the application of various discourse methods.

These methods allow for an understanding of context, user state and goal orientation amongst other developmental objectives.

Zoe a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Purple Nile

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Zoe Zoe is a fashionable young woman who knows a lot about the retail industry. She can be your company’s chatbot if you so choose! Here are some of the ways Zoe expresses herself as a chatbot. If you like the character, but find that there are specific animations that would make her more suited to your needs, request the animation be added to the collection!
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Robin Robin was the very first chatbot offered by eGain. She is a helpful, friendly woman that can find whatever information you need. She can be your company's chatbot if you so choose! Here are some of the ways Robin expresses herself as a chatbot. If you like the character, but find that there are specific animations that would make her more suited to your needs, request the animation be added to the collection!

David a chatbot / virtual assistant representing eGain Corporation

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent David David is a knowledgable call agent with tons of experience in customer service. He can be your company's chatbot if you so choose! Here are some of the ways David expresses himself as a chatbot. If you like the character, but find that there are specific animations that would make her more suited to your needs, request the animation be added to the collection!

Expired Geisha a chatbot representing Fujitsu

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Geisha Animated avatar greeted visitors to Virtual Kyoto in Japanese.
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