NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Picture Chatbots

Valerie a chatbot / virtual agent representing Virgin Holidays

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Valerie How smartAgent is helping; Answering customer queries without having to phone or e-mail, reducing CRM costs, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty, providing a feedback mechanism for customer wants and needs and providing a mechanism to optimise online and offline content. Virgin Holidays is also using the service to analyse visitors' wants and needs by looking at the questions they ask. The use of the conversational logs and analysis will allow Virgin Holidays to better serve both their online and offline customers. In addition, the conversation logs ensure that Valerie always has up to date information.

Beatrice a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Bettini Automobili

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Beatrice Beatrice è l'Assistente virtuale del marchio Bettini

Hollie a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Bourne Leisure

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Hollie Virtual Hollie is providing answers to questions from people interested in visiting a number of holiday parks across the United Kingdom. The virtual assistant is currently dealing with thousands of visitors each month. The technology is answering customer queries on a variety of subjects whilst also navigating the user to additional content that appears on the website. The virtual assistant contains a wide range of content, this includes information on key attractions, when famous people are performing and routine information about each venue such as "what time do you need to check in". One of the more interesting aspects of the deployment is that "Hollie" promotes some of the events that are taking place at the resorts over the course of the year.

Staff at Butlins have full access to a wealth of management and customer contact data via the Synthetix analytics service. They can see all the questions that users to the assistant have posed. This allows them to make sure that Hollie is always updated to answer any new queries that may arise. The system also provides detailed management reports to monitor the success of the smartAgent. Hollie is the first live edition of smartAgent Version 4 and has many new features and functions that enhance the system for both the user and the website owner.

Ewa a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Clix Software

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ewa Ewa to wirtualny doradca na stronie firmy Clix Software, tworzącej oprogramowanie dla małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw. Ewa zapozna rozmówców z oprogramowaniem OKAY CRM, odpowie na pytania co do funkcjonalności i spraw technicznych oraz skieruje do właściwych linków. Ewa pełni też rolę wirtualnego handlowca i przyjmuje zamówienie od klienta na OKAY CRM.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Marco Masini Alter ego del cantante Marco Masini ( con risposte parlate )


A pochi giorni dalla messa on-line del Maso virtuale ci sono stati migliaia e migliaia di contatti con oltre 100.000 domande fatte e risposte ed oltre 30.000 nuove domande.. il Maso sta cercando di imparare velocemente, ma essendo "nato" da poco ha bisogno di un po' di tempo!

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Marco Ciofalo Alter ego dell'ideatore di Talking Video ( con risposte scritte )
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ally De gemeente Almere maakt al een aantal jaar gebruik van virtuele medewerkster Ally om de vragen van burgers te beantwoorden. Sinds juli 2011 beantwoordt Ally ook vragen van bezoekers, ondernemers en studenten op Door een combinatie van antwoorden, veelgestelde vragen en zoekresultaten geeft Ally antwoord op allerlei vragen.
Op de gemeentewebsite brengt Ally de verschillende online mogelijkheden onder de aandacht. Bijvoorbeeld het aanvragen vergunningen of het ophalen van grofvuil. In het Digitaal Loket stimuleert zij het gebruik van de online mogelijkheden door direct de juiste pagina met formulier te pushen. Veelgestelde vragen zijn per pagina ingericht in de taal van de burger. Dit om het aanvraagproces van het betreffende product begrijpelijk te maken.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Maud Virtuele medewerker Maud beantwoordt alle vragen over de reisverzekeringen van Allianz Global Assistance.

Sarah a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Royal Mail

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Sarah Sarah is the virtual online assistant of Royal Mail. She gives immidiate answers to questions posed by the Royal Mail´s customers. The majority of the enquiries are on the delivery status of parcels.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Tess Hallo, ik ben Tess. Heb je een vraag over Ziggo? Als je die hier kort en bondig intypt, zoek ik het antwoord voor je op. Tess van Ziggo is de virtuele vraagbaak van Ziggo. Tess beantwoordt alle vragen over de producten van Ziggo. Bij Tess kan je terecht voor support vragen of het doorlopen van een stappenplan om je product te installeren. Tess toont filmpjes om je te helpen bij het installeren. Veelgestelde vragen zijn ingericht naar actualiteit en gerelateerd aan de pagina of klantvraag.
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