NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Chatbots starting with a

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - A-Z Letter a

Antonio a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Dialobot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Antonio Una sorta di impiegato virtuale. Questo chatbot risponde alle domande legate al mondo degli anziani di Trieste. Offre informazioni su l'assistenza agli anziani, associazioni, sanità, aiuto economico ecc.

Ap a chatbot representing VARA

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ap Ap is het karakter van de televisieserie van de VARA: Shouf shouf habibi. Het gaat hier om een jongen van Marokkaanse afkomst die tot de conclusie komt dat hij de leeftijd heeft bereikt dat hij serieus genomen wil worden. In de serie wordt hij vergezeld door een gemêleerde groep vrienden die allemaal een andere kijk op het leven hebben, maar die ook allemaal op hun eigen manier de weg naar volwassenheid in slaan. Dit zorgt voor grappige en soms hilarische maar ook serieuze scènes. In de serie worden ook diverse cultuurverschillen op een humoristische manier gebracht.

Hoe Ap de zaken vergaan blijkt voor zijn vrienden/investeerders moeilijk te achterhalen. Steeds als ze hem bellen met een moeilijke vraag rijdt Ap net een tunnel in...

Jij kunt echter wél heel makkelijk in contact komen met Ap. Hoe? Voeg 'm toe op MSN en vraag Ap alles wat je weten wilt via de chat! Op deze manier kom je niet alleen alles te weten over Aps hobbies, zijn matties en zijn geheime liefdes, maar kun je er misschien ook achter komen wat hij allemaal in Marokko uitspookt...

Arbie a chatbot / virtual agent representing RBC Insurance

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Arbie RBC Insurance is a part of RBC, one of Canada's largest banks as measured by assets and market capitalization, and is among the largest banks in the world, based on market capitalization.

They are one of North America's leading diversified financial services companies, and provide personal and commercial banking, wealth management services, insurance, corporate and investment banking and transaction processing services on a global basis.

Users simply type in their question, such as "How do I buy insurance?", click the "Ask' button. (Users can also instantly receive a dynamically generated list of the Top Ten questions).

After clicking "Ask", users receive one right answer to their question, as well as links to get more information on how to get an online quote.

A list of questions that other people asked (who also ask about purchasing insurance) is also displayed.

Escalation options are conveniently displayed on the right panel.

It should be noted that "Arbie", the little blue-suited man that you see if viewing online, is not part of the IntelliResponse virtual agent solution.

Ariane a chatbot / virtual agent representing Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ariane Depuis janvier 2013, Ariane est présente sur le site la Direction Des Retraites de la Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations.

Elle est accessible aussi bien aux actifs, aux retraités qu'aux employeurs.

Sa fonction est d'aider les internautes avec leurs problématiques générales telles que la connexion au site, pour des dizaines de caisses de retraites de la Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations.
Elle répond également aux questions plus spécifiques des fonds de l'Ircantec et de la CNRACL.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Arianna E' possibile rivolgersi ad Arianna per domande inerenti Chorel e le sue attività.

Arianna risponde a tutte le richieste scritte in Linguaggio Naturale, fornendo la risposta e aprendo le pagine web riguardanti il contenuto trattato.
L’obiettivo più importante di Arianna è di gestire una comunicazione naturale ed immediata, così da avvicinare ogni tipologia di utente ai contenuti che si vogliono esporre.
La sua capacità, quindi, di rispondere ed approfondire ogni argomento, in modalità completamente automatica, risolve molte problematiche di gestione puntuale dell’informazione.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ariel Ariel es un prototipo de Asistente de Clase en habla hispana.

Él es capaz de interactuar con sus alumnos en lenguaje natural de su sitio en todo momento.

Por el momento, él tiene conocimientos relacionados a las Tecnologías de información y comunicaciones: ERP, CRM, BI, SCM, BPM entre otros.

Ariel puede compartir con sus estudiantes los principales conceptos de cada área, hace revisiones y hasta les da un examen de verdadero y falso para chequear los conocimientos sobre un tema.

Él utiliza el cerebro de Inteligencia Artificial de BotGenes más avanzado desarrollado, el BG200K, capaz de proporcionar respuestas a cientos de miles de expresiones en español.

Aries a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Aries "I'd rather be honest than popular."
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Arisa Meu nome é Arisa. Na verdade, meu nome é um acrônimo para "Assistant Representative: an Instance using Services Architecture". Sou um protótipo de um Software Assistente Pessoal baseado na Tese de Doutorado de Saulo Popov Zambiasi, do curso de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Automação e Sistemas da UFSC.

Artemis a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Artemis The Artemis chatbot is a downloadable bot, whose funcion is based on pattern recognition. To use it, type your comment in the input box that appears, and afterwards press "Enter" or click on "OK". To exit, leave the input box blank and press "Enter" or click on "OK".

Artemis can play three games: Hangman, guess-the-number and rock-paper-scissors. Knows 193 country capitals. Can tell information such as date, time, current month and use this information in appropriate sentences. Various other chatting abilities, including mixing colors, comparing sizes of some objects and countries etc.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Artificial Intelligence
Assistant This Virtual Agent is available 24/7 on Alienware's website to answer questions about products and services.
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