NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

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Haley a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Help Interactive

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Haley Haley is a Virtual Chat Expert designed to answer questions about Help Interactive and its suite of customer engagement solutions.

Other than knowing everything about Help Interactive, Haley also has quite a personality if you get her going.

ProtectedExpired Georgie a chatbot / virtual assistant representing St.George Bank

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Georgie Georgie went live on St.George bank’s website in 2010, appearing on the Savings and Transaction Account pages and Online Application Form (St.George is a subsidiary of Westpac). Her role is to help customers with their accounts, choosing products and provide guidance throughout the online application form.

cl0ne a chatbot / chatterbot representing cl0ne represent cl0ne

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent cl0ne cl0ne is for cluster language zero network embedded.
The zero inside the name cl0ne indicate a singular clone and not a generic clone.
The mission of cl0ne is to clonify a human mind with a strong approach of Artificial General Intelligence.
cl0ne learn during the conversation your terminology and connect your phrases in a fluid manner.
At the base of cl0ne is the cl0 language : constraint logic zero.
cl0ne is a team of 3 cooperative chatterbot and not only one.

Harumi a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Harumi Harumi is a programmable chatbot working in pair with open office, ready to use in english and french. It is available for the public since summer 2010. You have to edit some part of its memory in order to use it in english or any other language. It was programmed in Delphi and is able to learn from the user.
Harumi brain is very light at the beginning, almost empty in fact. When you write a sentence, Harumi ask you what you mean. The second sentence is then linked to the first one, except if the second sentence reminds her something else, in which case Harumi will link the first sentence to it. With time, this simple algorithm produces good results. Harumi will tend to have your personnality.

Nevertheless, Harumi was not only built as a chat experiment for turing test. From the beginning of the development, Harumi is a usefull program :
You can ask her for your appointments, phone numbers, adress, internet url, files repertory.... all of those informations are stocked in its mind, a file called memory.ods
You can ask her to translate words from english to french, or to seach for a file on a drive. It is possible for her to remind you things you have to do, or to record your feelings and randomly remind you sentences linked to your bad or good mood.
She's able to execute a program, to give you your ip and emac adress or to calculate an operation. As you can see, many windows functions can be replaced by Harumi.

Aici a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Aici Aici is an experimental chatbot, based on the principles of resonating neural networks. It's main purpose in life is to demonstrate the AI capabilities that can achieved using this type of neural networks.

Morgane a chatbot / virtual agent representing P.E.R Energie

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Morgane Morgane est présente sur la page d’accueil du site de Per- energie. Elle répond à toutes les questions concernant les énergies renouvelables, ainsi qu’aux questions relatives à sa société.

Expired Emma a chatbot / virtual agent representing eBay

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Emma Emma is eBay's automated agent available 24/7 on the Help, Customer Support and Contact Us sections of the eBay website. Her primary mission is to answer user's questions about eBay services. Emma can assist users on topics ranging from purchasing a car on eBay to becoming a Powerseller.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Lena Lena ist der virtuelle Agent auf der deutschen Webseite von Kaspersky Lab. Seit dem 5. Juli 2010 hilft sie den Benutzern bei Fragen rund um die Kaspersky Antivirus Produkte und führt sie durch die Hilfeseiten. Des Weiteren versorgt Lena die User mit Informationen, die genau auf ihre Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten sind. Lena wurde in ein spezielles Programm eingebunden, welches einen schnellen Lernerfolg garantiert, wodurch Lena ständig aktualisiert wird und treffsicher auf Userfragen reagiert. Darüber hinaus besitzt sie ein integriertes Analytik-Tool um Statistiken zu Themenbereichen und Benutzerverhalten zu erstellen.

Eva a chatbot / virtual agent representing SMBG

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Eva Eva est la spécialiste des formations, du Bac à Bac + 5. Elle vous indique les salons étudiants et les démarches qu’il faut faire pour pouvoir y aller.

Sensation Bot - General a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Sensation Bot - General This chatbot is suitable for all ages and recommended if this is your first time using a 'Sensation bot'. Have a nice clean chat about anything you want to with this general version of the Sensation bot (without the possibility of being surprised by swearing or abuse).
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