NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Faceless Chatbots

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Virtual Assistant Aviva’s V-Person™ helps users with questions about Motor, Home and Travel insurance. Besides being found on these pages, the virtual assistant has also been deployed on the Car Quote form and can be launched by users logged into the Self Service area. The use of Site Context allows for content to be restricted to keep the user from being drawn out of a specific content group before an application or sale is completed.

Expired Virtual assistant a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Alliance Leicester

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Virtual assistant Alliance & Leicester has removed their site search tool and replaced it with their Virtual Assistant. Typing a question or keyword in the search box on their homepage automatically brings up the Virtual Assistant.

Kyle a chatbot / chatterbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Kyle Kyle est un chatterbot français. Il peut effectuer des calculs simples (addition, soustraction, multiplication, division avec gestion des parenthèses), donner la date et l'heure actuelle. Tout le monde peut lui rajouter des phrases. Plus il apprend, plus il devient précis.

Expired Chip Vivant a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Chip Vivant Chip Vivant attempts to be able to answer commonsense questions and actually understand what the user is saying rather than using keyword spotting tricks with a large database of canned responses. Chip lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US and went live in May 2008. Chip is currently not online, but a webpage can be found at
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ask Merrill As an internal workhorse, Ask Merrill successfully addresses over 400 applications, 3,000 products and 170 product groups supporting over 25,000 employees and 5+ million client accounts.

Ask Merrill has over 10,000 unique units of language in production. This model scales to millions of possible user input permeations.

Help Centre a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Cheltenham & Gloucester

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Help Centre The non-avatar V-Person™ implementation on the Cheltenham & Gloucester website is designed to show a list of clickable related FAQs side-by-side with the user input and virtual assistant response. Buttons at the bottom of the template allow users to easily “Find a branch” and locate “Useful phone numbers”.

Expired Ask a chatbot / virtual agent representing Dish Network

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ask noHold Virtual Agents assist Dish Network customers in finding the answers to their questions.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Linea Asistente Online El asistente virtual de Linea Directa fue creado con el objetivo de ayudar a los clientes y futuros clientes a encontrar lo que buscaban. Así, ha sido capacitada para contestar preguntas informativas, de productos y servicios, como de procedimientos y compra online.
Los objetivos específicos buscados fueron divulgar la información disponible en la web para el cliente y posible cliente de una forma directa y transparente; comprender preguntas en la web de forma directa; potenciar el canal online como medio de comunicación entre empresa y cliente y obtener información crítica de las necesidades e interrogantes de los usuarios.

Clara a chatbot / virtual assistant representing FNAC

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Clara Je suis Clara et je suis a votre disposition si vous avez des questions
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jan Jaap Ditzo is de nieuwe manier van verzekeren. Daar hoort ook een frisse en grondige aanpak op het gebied van klantcontact bij. The Selfservice Company heeft Ditzo begeleid met de implementatie van haar klantcontactstrategie. Jaap-Jan is de vraagbaak op waar alle vragen beantwoord worden. Ook helpt Jan-Jaap klanten met navigeren en begeleid je in het bestel proces. Mocht Jan Jaap er niet uitkomen dan kunnen klanten bellen, e-mailen en chatten met Ditzo. The Selfservice Company heeft in samenwerking met RightNow Technologies ook de kennisbank en callcenterapplicaties geïmplementeerd.
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