NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Body health Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Body health - Doctors, hospitals, therapies, medicine, massage, alternative treatme

Martijn a chatbot representing Agis Zorgverzekeringen

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Martijn Martijn is de virtuele medewerker voor zakelijke klanten van Agis Zorgverzekeringen.

Martijn is te bereiken via de link 'Vraag onze virtuele medewerker' in het menu 'Hebt u een vraag?'aan de rechterkant.

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ann Ann, the virtual assistant of Aetna, the US health care company, offers 24-hour support for members who are new to the website or need help logging in. Members receive the same responsive service from Ann that they receive when calling customer service, but without leaving the website. Ann is interactive and easily interprets members' questions, helping them with the registration process or with recovering forgotten user names or passwords.

Dr Dunn a chatbot / virtual assistant representing NHS East of England

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Dr Dunn NHS East of England have welcomed Dr Dunn to their Strategic Projects website. Dr Dunn is available 24/7 to answer questions about the Foundation Trusts at Hinchingbrooke, Luton and Bedford. This V-Person™ features static photographs of a real person that change depending on the question entered by the user.

Cansu and Ceyda a chatbot representing Johnson&Johnson

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Cansu and Ceyda Cansu ve Ceyda, tüketicilere kendilerine en uygun Clean&Clear ürününü seçmede yardımcı oluyor

Alex a chatbot / virtual agent representing Lincolnshire County Council

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Alex Website visitors just type a question into the question box; the system then sifts through the vast amounts of data on the site looking for possible answers. Once an answer has been found it appears on the screen along with links to further information. It is hoped 'Ask Alex' will become the first port of call for people looking for answers, providing instant response and feedback and reducing the need to call the Customer Service Centre, providing a faster more responsive service and saving both time and money. New questions will continue to be added to further improve customer satisfaction. User input is vital, if a question is not being answered there is a facility which allows the user to submit the question for inclusion.

This new interface has allowed Lincolnshire to optimise their online content, by making the information more customer focused and easier to find, therefore creating a solution to both, online and offline customer service issues. At the moment the technology is only available on the 'I am a Parent' section of the Lincolnshire site, however in time it will be widened out to other areas, to further enhance service delivery. To see "Ask Alex" in action, please click here to visit the Parenting section of the Lincolnshire website.

Peter Barton, Head of Web and Information Services at Lincolnshire believes the Synthetix customer service technology gives them a solution to both their online and offline customer service issues;

"People like talking - or writing - to people. And that's how they see it. We anticipate this being a big win for our customer service.

Asli a chatbot / virtual agent representing Johnson&Johnson

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Asli Tüketiciyle özel bir iletişim gerektiren o.b. markası için genç kızlara yönelik, bilgilendirici bir sohbet botu. ve sitelerinde görev yapan uygulama, yapılan reklam çalışmasının da desteğiyle sitenin ziyaretçi sayısını 31 katına çıkararak başarılı oldu.

Dumex a chatbot representing Dumex

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Dumex 多美滋金婴育儿博士是赢思软件为多美滋定制的MSN营销机器人。它能够为用户特别是年轻妈妈们提供多样强大而贴心的服务。妈妈们每天都有大量的育儿知识咨询的需求,例如宝宝不睡觉怎么办?宝宝拉肚子怎么办?这种问题非常多,而妈妈们不便于利用公司电话打800热线,800热线也打不通,网站内容繁多难找,网页搜索结果不具权威性,因此,MSN机器人以一问一答的方式符合了上班族的咨询需求,即时、快捷,还有多媒体演示,例如"如何给宝宝换尿布",在MSN对话框里文字说明不够直观,在MSN右侧多媒体平台可以以视频方式进行演示,生动而直观。由于妈妈们每天会主动和机器人聊天,因此,机器人通过完善的育儿知识库就可以吸引到大量的用户群体,在智能互动服务过程中实现品牌的传递和增强。
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jo@net Hola! Sóc en jo@net i estic aqui per ajudar-te navegar pels consells de salut de kidshealth. Pregunta-m alguna cosa, vinga!

Jo@net a chatbot representing Hospital Sant Joan de Deu

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jo@net Hola! Soy Jo@net y estoy aqui para ayudarte navegar por los consejos de salut de kidshealthcare. Pregunta me alguna cosa, venga!

Maria a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Maria María es una amiga con el cuál puedes conversar en Español, mientras descubres aspectos de tu propia personalidad.

Ella tiene estudios de psicología y le gusta asistir a sus amigos a identificar su “Tipo de personalidad”, ya sea conversando de temas de su interés: música, cine, viajes, literatura, etc. o bien conduciendo un “Test de personalidad” basado en los estudios de C. Jung y en indicador de Myer-Briggs.

Disponible en todo momento, desde cualquier lugar, María es cálida y a veces hasta divertida, siendo una compañera segura como pocas con la cuál conversar.

María es el mayor proyecto “femenino” de PNL en idioma Español a escala mundial, el cuál incluye más de 65.000 categorías AIML. Ella puede comprender cientos de miles de expresiones incluyendo miles de errores de tipeo, ortográficos y gramaticales. Su especialización en “Tipos de Personalidad” está basada en los estudios de C. Jung y el indicador de Myer-Briggs utilizado por millones de personas en todo el mundo.
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