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Chat Bot Directory

CAKE a chatbot / chat bot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent CAKE CAKE is a AIML based chatbot that Steven Laczko made for fun. It has gotten complex over the years.

Aztekium Bot a chatbot / chat bot representing

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Aztekium Bot Aztekium Bot (lub AZBot) - polski bot internetowy (Chatbot), który na zasadzie luźnej rozmowy z użytkownikiem, pomaga mu w wielu czynnościach. W przeciwieństwie do innych tego typu Chatbotów, nie ma on za zadanie udawać człowieka lecz ma mu pomagać w zdobywaniu informacji, rozrywce i nauce. Program jest rozwijany od stycznia 2011 roku.

Aztekium Bot działa wyłącznie w oparciu o stronę internetową. W przeciwieństwie do wyszukiwarek internetowych, głównym założeniem AZBota jest dostarczanie użytkownikowi nie listy informacji do wyboru - ale podanie jednej, konkretnej, oczekiwanej przez użytkownika informacji. Interfejs komunikacji z botem jest tekstowy. Program powstał w języku Python.

Rickfare a chatbot / chat bot representing Rick Fare, Inc

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Rickfare Calculates autorickshaw(tuk tuk) and taxi fares for Mumbai, Delhi, Pune and Amhedabad.

Moodimonitor a chatbot / chat bot representing Childline

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Moodimonitor MoodiMonitor is a chatbot created for young people who want express their feelings through a confidential channel. The chatbot asks users a series of questions to find out how he can aid them whenever they are, for example, happy, depressed or being bullied at school. When they are feeling down, the chatbot will try to cheer them up. If he is not able to do so, he will refer them to Childline UK. The chatbots database consists of menu-structured questions and answers. Moodimonitor is created in coorporation with Thin Martian.

Mr Spock a chatbot / chat bot representing Star Trek

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Mr Spock Imagine yourself on the crew of the Starship Enterprise. Have a conversation with the Fake Mr. Spock and experience a unique science fiction episode custom made just for you. Suitable for viewing and chatting on a mobile device.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Captain Kirk Pandorabots Spellbinder scanend publicly available fan-compiled transcripts of 72 episodes of the original Star Trek TV series. In those 72 episodes, Captain Kirk has about 9000 lines of dialog. Pandorabots SpellBinder read these lines and created a Captain Kirk chat bot with about 2000 categories and 6000 responses (a category is the basic unit of knowledge). Pandorabots SpellBinder also created a chat bot representations of Mr. Spock and Dr. McCoy. The A.I. Foundation has published these parody characters through this link: (An animated talking version of Fake Captain Kirk may be found here:
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Cindy Cindy is a CML (Conversation Markup Language) Interpreter. It implements all user cases listed in the CML specification. When you download Cindy or sign up for the Novabot hosting service, a set of sample CML sources will be provided to show you what CML can do, as well as being a practical CML FAQ chat bot. You can ask questions about CML and weather. The source code also contains examples for more complex CML features like flow control and Topic merging. It is XML based chatbots language and interpretation engine, with web-hosting service.

Program-O a chatbot / chat bot representing Shakespearebot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Program-O An AIML Interpreter written in PHP with MySQL. Have your own chatbot on your website, written in PHP with MySQL, reading AIML. Program O uses the default AIML libraries downloaded from ALICE here. Just drop the files onto your web server and build the SQL files and you can have your very own chat bot! Program-O is now available to download from sourceforge

Expired Yuichan a chatbot / chat bot representing Yuichan S.M.A.R.T. souvenir shop

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Yuichan Yuichan is an artificial intelligence socratic conversationalist
It has trendy Zen lay out with quiet music at the back round.
Yuichan talks on topics such as Zen, Okinawa, Japan, life, and more.

Barak Obama a chatbot / chat bot representing US goverment

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Barak Obama The Barack Obama chatbot comes from Robotsin2008 which is a collection of virtual candidates that are taking part in the 2008 United States Presidential election. The chatbot is for entertainment purposes only, and not affiliated with any political party.
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