NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Chatbots starting with m

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - A-Z Letter m
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Maggie Maggie is a Virtual Agent embedded into the Magellan Customer Support page that can solve end-user questions about troubleshooting, set-up, and more.

Maggie provides Magellan customers with the most interactive and diagnostic Virtual Agent experience available.

Maggie a chatbot representing English4All

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Maggie The key concept in the Communicative method for teaching English as a Second Language is "meaningful". Our virtual hostess, Maggie, is programmed with Artificial Intelligence, AI, so she never gets tired of your questions. You can have a meaningful chat with her . She is your on call language teacher and conversation partner whenever you have the time to chat she is ready and waiting. All you the student have to do is type in your question. She will type her response as well as say it out loud to you. Learning English online has changed thanks to the advent of AI. Many of our students just come to visit Maggie and chat. Feel free to do the same.

ProtectedExpired Maggie a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Magnavox

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Maggie Hi, I'm here to help you find information on our website and the online support we have for your product.

Please enter your model number in the box above or you may drill down to your model number using the drop down box on the right.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Malgorzata Małgorzata to wirtualny doradca na firmowej stronie Barlinek SA, jednego z największych producentów naturalnych podłóg drewnianych na świecie. W rolę doradcy wcieliła się architekt wnętrz Małgorzata Podkowa - Domańska. Podstawowym zadaniem wirtualnej Małgorzaty jest udzielanie porad dotyczących desek podłogowych. Potrafi ona udzielić odpowiedzi na takie pytania jak: jak układać i kleić deskę barlineck? jak pielęgnować podłogę? co zrobić by podłoga nie stukała? co jest potrzebne do ułożenia podłogi? oraz wielu innych porad dotyczących produktów firmy Barlinek. Dodatkową cechą wyróżniającą produkt jest integracja wirtualnego doradcy z LiveChatem. Jest to pomocne w sytuacji w której wirtualny doradca nie potrafi udzielić odpowiedzi na zadane przez użytkownika pytanie, wówczas system proponuje uruchomienie LiveChat, gdzie można już porozmawiać z żywym konsultantem firmy.

marbot a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent marbot Hi, my name is marbot. I'm a chatbot ensuring you never miss an alert from Amazon Web Services (AWS).

As a highly motivated DevOps team, you don't need a manager who dictates 24/7 on-call schedules to you. Use channels to define target groups for alerts. I do respect your DND schedule and snooze settings.

Don’t get distracted from your deep work, when not absolutely necessary. I do send alerts to a single engineer. Of course, I escalate unnoticed alerts to another team member or the whole crew if necessary.

Instead of cluttering up your inbox with emails I do send alerts via Slack. Just re-use your modern team communication solution. More fun than scrolling through hundreds of emails.

I do support the following alert types: Amazon CloudWatch Alarm, Amazon CloudWatch Event, Amazon ElastiCache Notification, AWS Auto Scaling Notification, AWS Budget Notification, AWS Elastic Beanstalk Notification, AWS RDS Event as well as generic alerts via HTTPS or email.

Keep your systems running!

Marc a chatbot / virtual agent representing Crédit Agricole

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Marc La mission de Marc est de présenter les offres complémentaires santé du Crédit Agricole, répondre aux questions des clients, faire l’analyse du besoin de l’internaute pour fournir une offre adaptée.

Marco a chatbot representing Dialobot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Marco Un intervistatore virtuale con finalità didattiche. Questo chatbot permette di simulare un colloquio di lavoro. In particolare il suo obiettivo è quello di preparare le persone a rispondere correttamente durante un colloquio di lavoro.

Marco Borsato a chatbot / virtual agent representing Radio 538

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Marco Borsato De Marco Borsato bot van radio538 is de virtuele persoonlijkheid van de échte Marco. Marco vertelt verhalen, geeft meer informatie over muziek of concerten, of kan gewoon een dialoogje met je aangaan.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Marco Ciofalo Alter ego dell'ideatore di Talking Video ( con risposte scritte )
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Marco Masini Alter ego del cantante Marco Masini ( con risposte parlate )


A pochi giorni dalla messa on-line del Maso virtuale ci sono stati migliaia e migliaia di contatti con oltre 100.000 domande fatte e risposte ed oltre 30.000 nuove domande.. il Maso sta cercando di imparare velocemente, ma essendo "nato" da poco ha bisogno di un po' di tempo!

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